Josephine Siedlecka

Reflection of Mystery is a wonderful way to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Karol Wojtyla.

St Pope John Paul II  had a great love and understanding of artists. He was, after all, a poet, playwright, and actor himself. In his beautiful Letter to Artists, which this exhibition is dedicated to, he explores the history of  art and relationship between creativity and Christianity. Through all expressions of art,  one sometimes gets a glimpse of the timeless, mystical nature of God.

One of the great messages running through the letter is: ‘Those who perceive in themselves this kind of divine spark which is the artistic vocation – as poet, writer, sculptor, architect, musician, actor and so on – feel at the same time the obligation not to waste this talent but to develop it, in order to put it at the service of their neighbour and of humanity as a whole.’

This collection of works by contemporary artists has already been shown in several major Polish cities, and was due to come to Farm Street Church in Mayfair, central London at the end of November.  Because of the Covid-19 pandemic the show will now be only displayed online. While it is sad that we will not be able to see the works in person,  I have a feeling St John Paul II is smiling about this innovative approach by the exhibition organisers.    Our first Polish Pope traveled more than all his predecessors combined, logging more than a million kilometres in 104 pilgrimages as he brought the message of God’s  love to every corner of the globe.  

Going online means this exhibition is going to reach a much wider audience around the world than if it was only shown in London.  And this is just the start.  There will be time in future to see more exhibitions of work by all these artists. 

God Bless this wonderful project. 

Josephine Siedlecka
Independent Catholic News